Kamis, Juni 25, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson

Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has smashed its way into theaters since yesterday (ya... my bad luck i just watched it tonight =( with a -holding a terrible pee for hours -) and what I thought people would just be talking about Megan Fox on that motorcycle ... (I saw the official poster on the cinemags...what the hell! they just putted Megan with her Espanyola's guitar body fixing a broken car-engine, and wait.... is it Fast and Furious? where is the Deception? and Autobot on that poster?)

Michael Bay, condensing the cumulative total of the spectacle from all of his previous films into gargantuan opus, which has exceeded even the possibilities of sequel-driven "moreness," combining his own muscular, high-gloss sensibility with the conventions of blockbusters past, present, and probably future to create a monolithic action masterpiece that feels destined to be the biggest movie of this year (damn! I am thinking about Angels&Demons, still considering Harry Potter though). Satisfying, and maybe gonna make it stand on the queue again tomorrow for the double shot :) Good job, Michael Bay!


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