Jumat, Juni 26, 2009

messed it up

hari ini....

* nonton Transformers 2 kedua kalinya. still awesome! kali ini i didnt miss any important parts anymore! i redeem my disaster yesterday. another -small learning from failure-, hehehe
*ketemu passion kerja lagi. harus lebih belajar bahwa "moody tidak akan selalu menjadi hal yang baik", so when i reached my boiling points again, i do really have to control myself, otherwise i will mess it up ;) http://emo.huhiho.com
*beresin kerjaan better than yesterday. maybe "fashion" also influenced me a lot, isnt it?
*ditraktir sama boss, froasted fish at malalayang. i do really love my boss, cos he always could placed himself in every single circumstance. you got my highest respect,pak!
*live performance, hahahaha. gosh, jangan biarkan kelemahanku muncul lagi di detik2 rawan begini ;( aku benar2.... gggrrrhhhh..... damn!
*brainstorming dengan ando soal H-7nya, and we both put such a really "wild" status, hahahaha, thanks a bunch ya bro!
*edit blog lay out, mind-refreshing... mau tetap jadi diri sendiri...not really work yet, but i will keep trying (on monday hahaha)

and : decide that i really have to drop friend of mine, so i can protect my dignity. Such a hard own-self confrontation, but life is a choice. If i dont choose, i dont live my life. mungkin suatu saat-apa memang aku masih percaya keajaiban???- aku akan bisa menemukan pencerahan tentang persahabatan yang lebih penting dari harga diri. tapi selama cahaya itu belum datang, twitter archieved that this stephanie isnt such kind of 'easy to forget' girl. http://emo.huhiho.com

PS : debbie's bday, michael jackson passed away (i am sure one day later i am gonna find any advantages of my new resolition to keep taking small notes).

hhmm... my common day upgraded to a beautiful day, when i could write all the details down here :)

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