Rabu, Juni 24, 2009

while waiting for daniel

what a bad luck! dari pagi udah membayangkan pulang on-time karna Transformers2 is on theater worldwide per today!!!! Semalam hampir gila liat Cinemags putted June 24 as the release date of T2... directly called Rona (penyiapan pasukan), asked her to buy the tickets. But our bad luck! so damn busy, so Mail could not make it, so UPSET =((
coba antri kayak manual gak pake shortcut (wah nyaris lupa kalo masih di indonesia sehingga yang namanya jalur legal selalu berbuah buruk, hiks)...wwwoooaaahhh, udah penuh semuanyaaaa bahkan sampe waktu tayang terakhirrrr, i thought i would have bad dream tonight or damn insomnia =(( http://emo.huhiho.com
akhirnya (dengan sangat dan teramat berat hati) rela buat nahan more than 1x24 jam buat nonton besok, demi seat yang bagus juga... coba menghibur dan menetralisir hati dengan ke KB, ketemu Kia (how fat is he!) and shared bout the "emptiness" inside. I dont really think Rona got what I mean, but I wish she tried. And she did, I know (though it was not really work, honestly).
Akhirnya went home and ingat punya janji sama si daniel, so here I am... dengan net-windows yang kindda usual, Blog, FB, detik.com, yahoo radio, and now... twitter (tak lupa dengan headset biar volume notebook ini tidak memicu pertengkaran dengan lovely daddy, hehehe)! not bad, i got 5 followers on the first day, good huh? ;)

well, i think i should welcome jane for her comeback to Manado, wish u will spend better time now here and wont miss any our crazy single second anymore :)

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